
Catarina Camara was born in the island of Madeira, Portugal, in 1963. She came to Lisbon in 1981 to graduate in mathematics from the University of Lisbon and has lived in this city since then. She studied Arts at the National Society of Fine Arts (Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes), where she completed a course of four years in Painting (Oct 2010–July 2014), a course in Contemporary Art History (Oct 2014–July 2015), and completed three years studies on Artistic Photography (Oct 2015–July 2018). She has attended training courses in the areas of "images" and "arts" at Xuventude da Galicia (Centro Galego de Lisboa), as well as workshops in photography editing.

The disciplinary areas that Catarina explores – photography, painting, design, installation – in a procedural logic of inclusion clearly position itself in the field of constructed photography. It is with great ease that the author appropriates or summons references and authorial languages from diverse sources, an attitude that does not distort the projects presented but rather consolidates and highlights the conceptual nature of her work.

Catarina already has an artistic career that includes training in painting and photography and has participated in exhibitions that have in common the normal questioning of those who take risks, are restless, and move forward in a break with tradition.


Participation in several visual arts exhibitions, highlighting:

Solo Exhibitions:

  • "Wind Whispers" - Galeria ARTE GRAÇA (Oct 2024)

  • Hide and Seek” - Galeria ARTE GRAÇA (May 2023)

  • Painting with my Camera” - Galeria ARTE GRAÇA (Apr 2022)

  • Nudity is a Form of Dress” - XUVENTUDE DE GALICIA Centro Galego de Lisboa (Feb 2019)

    Colective Exhibitions:

  • From Europe with Love” - Westin Times Square, NEW YORK (Sep 2023)

  • Pelos meus olhos” - XUVENTUDE DE GALICIA Centro Galego de Lisboa (Mar 2023)

  • Sítios da Água” - Instituto Politécnico de TOMAR (Oct 2022)

  • Em Pé de Igualdade” - XUVENTUDE DE GALICIA Centro Galego de Lisboa (Mar 2022)

  • Happy Days” - Celebrate art in the feminine - XUVENTUDE DE GALICIA Centro Galego de Lisboa (Mai 2021)

  • Ser Mulher” - XUVENTUDE DE GALICIA Centro Galego de Lisboa (Mar 2020)

  • The Half of the Sky” - ALCOCHETE Cultural Forum (Mar 2019)

  • Salão dos Artistas Sócios - Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (Dec 2018)